February 2015:  The University of Maryland (UMD) iSchool chose Archive Analytics Solutions (AAS) as their provider to install and support Alloy Archiving Software, the bit-preservation middleware for the Brown Dog Project funded by the National Science Foundation.


AAS is the developer of the standards-based Alloy network appliance for controlled archiving of file-based content.  This Appliance is purpose-built on iRODS for research environments; it  is designed to virtualize storage on a large scale and to mitigate risks to of digital assets loss through policy-driven replication. The first version of the Alloy Archiving software is based upon the established iRODS grid storage environment, which is well known to the research team and has a long track record.


“AAS has been brought into the project as a vendor-partner to help us set up archival storage and object hosting for the CI-BER collection.  We have picked a partner that we trust to work alongside us to address new issues of scale in the configuration and loading of this collection. This partnership will provide benefits to both parties as the team at Archive Analytics will take away important findings that can be applied to other engagements and to future versions of their software stack.”, Dr Richard Marciano, Director of the newly formed Digital Curation Innovation Center (DCIC) at UMD’s iSchool